
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cowboy Cabby .com

This is actually a part of which is a compilation website of a lot of the crazy cab stories that I end up with on a daily basis. All my friends are always asking for cab stories so we created a website with a bunch of wierd, wild, and crazy cab stories at  check it out, it's fun and beautiful.

Cowboy Cabby

This is a new blog by a cabdriver in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Sometimes the cab drivers are the most informed people in a city. They know what's going on, the cool places to go on any given night, what band is playing where and the best places to eat. This blog was created to keep people in Santa Fe up to date on what's happening in the city different. As a cab driver sometimes we know what is news worthy before the journalists or sometimes before the police know. So check in at for what's happening in Santa Fe right now. Be sure to take a look at for all the clubs,(venues) to see the live entertainment in Santa Fe tonight, Musicians, to see who is playing, and restaurants, for a quick look at the menus of the city. Thanks for coming by, will be back in a bit.